älskade, älskade usa

På senaste tiden har jag haft en hel del kontakt med några vänner från mitt år i usa, och det gör mig både glad och ledsen på samma gång.
Självklart är jag glad att jag har massa underbara vänner där som saknar mig och som jag saknar, men samtidigt blir jag ledsen att jag inte lyckats åka dit och hälsa på än. Idag, på dagen faktiskt, var det 2 år sen jag kom hem till Sverige igen.. Oj, det låter länge. På sätt och vis har det hänt SÅ mycket sen dess, och på sätt och vis känns det nästan som igår jag åkte.

Anyways, I just wanted to tell you guys that I really do miss you. And I will come back and visit, I promise! :)
Oh, and thanks for reading my blog you guys :) I'm not sure how much you understand.. hehe. But if you keep reading it I will try to update it in English once in a while, sounds good? ;)
Take care, puss puss (:


Thanks you for writing half in english!!!!! (not like i had a problem with the swedish half anyways)

Wow !!!!!!!!!!! Has it really been two years since the day u left??? CRAZY! Feels much shorter than that doesn't it? Do u remember the airport drama? haha it was totally worth it for u :) oh what a stressful day that must had been for u, i sure hope that book i made helped ;) (and my smelly shirt) lol

So two whole years have passed, wow still cant get over that fact. Its crazy what can happen in two years isn't it?

Take care now, Remember u promise!

2010-07-01 @ 10:23:38
Postat av: sanna - svar

Haha i can keep righting posts in english if u want me to? :)

allthough ur swedish is awesome, of course.

i know, its already been two years, crazy. a lot has happened tho, thats very true..

time flys huh..

im pretty happy i got u listening to winnerbäck tho hehe :)

take care u too!

2010-07-01 @ 10:33:26
URL: http://honsanna.blogg.se/

SOOO i thought id write here before i go to bed :)

its 1:50ish in the morning! thats liike 10:00 am for u right???! i think, have fun making faces at work ;) lol

haha winnerback :) if u split the name in half u get winner back :) winnerback is a winner! lol now if i could understand him a little bit better :P or maybe if he sung in english? hhuh? dont u think that would make it easier? or maybe spanish??? id be fine witht that too! :)

Well Good night for real noW!

Miss ya ! take care!

2010-07-01 @ 10:51:26
Postat av: sanna - svar

aww thats sweet haha :)

sneaky.. :P

haah yeah its almost 11 here, im going on my lunchbreak now :) timedifferance is a scary thing.

haha im glad u like him tho, even tho he is not spanish haha :) u can always google-translate his lyrics ;)

so, like i said, u must really love my blog ey :) i mean, who doesnt ;)

2010-07-01 @ 11:00:23
URL: http://honsanna.blogg.se/

Hey dont forget i am prety sneaky :) mohahaha

Woot woot!!!! LUNCHBREAK! that's always nice right?! hopefully :) haha yea timedifference is a crazy thing, imagine if we were all on the same time, then id be working too !

hahah maybe someday ill google translate it, i like the songs they are pretty good.:)

hahah i must love ur blog right? i mean i am keeping ths circle we got going! :)

2010-07-02 @ 08:54:52
Postat av: sanna - svar

haah true true (:

haha yeah lunch yesterday was so good! :D

not too excited for lunch today tho, hehe.

haah i know, u must love it! im glad u do tho haha ;)

2010-07-02 @ 09:00:44
URL: http://honsanna.blogg.se/

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